Please check my page at Google Scholar, Research Gateand Climate Analytics for full list of publications
Dhamala, M.K., Rijal, K., KC, A., Dhakal, M., Dhital, N.B., and Khadka, U.R (2019). Climate Change: The Science, Impact and Solution. Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur and Clean Energy Nepal, Kathmandu. ISBN 978-9937-0-5851-3
S. Krishnaswamy, M. Dhakal, U Manandhar (2012).Review And Assessment of SAARC Declarations on Climate Change, Climate Action Network South Asia. Link
Peer reviewed
Fry, I., Dhakal, M. (2018). Piecing the Paris Puzzle: Links and Gaps in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI).
Vashisht, S., Dhakal, M., et. al. (2016), Upscaling the Application of Low-Carbon and Energy- Efficient Technology in the Construction Sector. APN Science Bulletin. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).
Vashisht, S., Varsha, D., Nagrath, K., Dhakal, M et. al. (2016), “Identification of Policy and Institutional Gaps, Drivers & Strategies to Scale-up Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Technology Application in the Construction & Infrastructure Sectors in South Asia,” APN E- Lib. DOI
S. Freitas, F. Sferra, M. Dhakal, M. Lindberg, F. Baarsch (2014). Intended Nationally- Determined Contributions (INDCs): Opportunity for Nepal. Climate Analytics, (2014)
Analytical briefings
Das, N., Dhakal, M., Jones, D., Mace, MJ., Maxwell, V., Osses, F., Pandey, S., Saeed, F., Becerra, DT., Wangmo, T., Zounmenou, AY. Long term strategies: low carbon growth, resilience and prosperity for Least Developed Countries. Climate Analytics
Dhakal, M., Tovivo, K (2017), Synthesis of the Least Developed Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Climate Analytics.
Serdeczny, O., Dhakal, M (2016) The Warsaw International Mechanism – What has happened until now and what are the next big steps? Climate Analytics.
Freitas, S., Sferra, F., Dhakal, M., Lindberg, M., Baarsch, F. (2014). Intended Nationally- Determined Contributions (INDCs): Opportunity for Nepal. Climate Analytics.
Krishnaswamy, S., Dhakal. M., Manandhar, U. (2012). Review and Assessment of Thimphu SAARC Declaration of Climate Change. Climate Action Network South Asia – (CANSA)