Opinion Editorial

“It always seems impossible, until it is done!”

Civil society lanyards proudly touting this quote by Nelson Mandela was a good choice by CAN and the perfect fit for Durban.

Negotiating (iphone) Technology On The Way To Durban

One of my hobbies that I love is to use new and recently developed applications and technologies.


Let us jointly fulfill the commitments: Kathmandu consultation

Bhutan as Chair of SAARC, made an intervention at the COP plenary today to admit SAARC as an observer at UNFCCC. 


Bonn Climate Talk: Let’s discuss on Agenda !

Blogging from Bonn Climate Talk

Cancun set an excellent example how the outstanding leadership of a host country could effectively shape the discourse.


Negotiating on Character: paving way to D

Brazil’s second largest city, Rio de Janeiro, witnessed the first ever gathering of environmental campaigners/caretakers and produced an international environmental treaty (UNFCCC)


Intervention on Expert workshop on the Technology Mechanism

On behalf of Climate Action Network April 4, 2011 Bangkok, Thailand

Video link from UNFCCC Website, Intervention 2 and Intervention 1 (check at last 5 minutes)

Thank you Mr. Facilitator


Scaling beyond pilots: Fifth Int’l Community based adaptation

Blogging from Bangladesh

With the above mentioned theme, fifth International Conference on Community based adaptation is being held in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


PPCR: Associated concerns and way ahead for Nepal

This article was published at Sano Paila: The NYCA Youth Ezine on Feb 2011


B, C, D of Climate Negotiation: Cancun CAN

In the opening of COP16, Lykke Friis, Danish Minister said she was confident that the participants of this edition will go beyond what was done in Copenhagen, and will demonstrate the world that their good intentions did not freeze in the cold streets of the Danish capital. “Let’s hope CANCUN CAN!”
